About Us
アメリカ全土で高級ヘアケアブランドを展開する「Frederic Fekkai」の高級ヘアサロンにて経験を積み、「Julian Farel restore salon and spa」(ニューヨークセレブ御用達の高級ヘアサロン)ではサロン唯一の日本人スタイリストとして活躍した有江マユミがオーナーを務める。英語での細やかなオーダーにも対応可能。高い技術力と柔軟な対応力で作り上げる再現性の高いカットとスタイリングは大人世代の魅力を引き出し、忙しい日常に華を添える。
We don’t do things in a “big” way, but all of our services are of the highest quality.
And this is what has made and continues to make United・People a special salon.
Mayumi ARIE, owner of United・People, earned her skills at Frederic Fekkai – the luxury hair salon and hair care brand known throughout the United States – and at the Julian Farel Restore Salon & Spa, the celebrity salon in New York City. At Julian Farel, Ms Arie was the only Japanese stylist.
Highly reproducible cuts and styling are created with supreme confidence in skill and technique, and flexibility in responding to personal preferences ensures that mature charm will be brought out to the fullest and will add a colorful touch to even the busiest life. Detailed requests in English are welcome.
Ms Arie’s trusted partner, stylist Yuki FUKUYA is a qualified Head Meister – a title given only to those who have mastered advanced techniques.
The Dry Head Spa, a hands-only procedure without water or oil, is extremely effective not only as a beauty treatment but as relief from fatigue. The comfort of the Dry Head Spa leads to a deep restorative sleep within minutes, providing the ultimate healing time in a calm, private space.